
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Easy Viking Costume

My baby girl gave it up ( too early I must say) the princess stuff this year and wanted to be a viking.
Well, right away I start thinking... hum...this can be hard, but it can also be easy if I play it the right way.
For someone who has +1 skills ( in a scale 0 to 10000) using a  sewing machine AND doesn't how to use patterns, it had to be pretty easy.
So, if you are like me in this cruel  scale you call pull this through as well!
My local fabric store had fleece on sale for $4.99 so I went for it!
I used dark brown and animal pattern ( grrrrrr) ones, a meter each

This is the final result....a big happy  smile on my girl's face!
Because I did not want anything to complicated ( and viking clothing is supposed to be  simple I guess, uh?) I used, as a model, an old play dress she already had.
 After  tracing the fleece ( I left 1/2 inch as a seam allowance) I cut it/pinned it

Enter the one I have a love/hate relationship with...the SM!
 But she is so useful poor girl, and she helps me a lot!
 After the basic dress was ready I used some leather chord and embroidery floss to make this ( how should I call this viking detail??)

 Some fringes at the bottom, after all vikings had a tough life

 For the bet and arm cuff I used an old piece of faux leather I had bought at the thrifty store long ago for 99 cents! Just cut a wide piece for the belt and narrow one to tie it to her waist. Same of for the arm cuff. So no glue, no snaps, no buttons, no nothing! just knots...very viking!
 I laso made a cape with an animal pattern fleece. Again, my +1 sewing scale talent...I put the fleece behind the dress, more or less visualized what I wanted and cut it!

 Ties with a know and it is removable for the viking dragon fights! haha
 LAst but not least: the gadgets: Helmet:
Take a dollar store helmet..a dollar store wig...braid the wig,,,

 With hot glue attach the newly made nordic braids to the cast iron ( I mean, plastic) viking  helmet
 Buy some sword, shield,  axe and knife  at the dollar store and the ferocious viking will be ready for anything!

Oh, my,  how I love her!

Lovely Crafty Home

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The Girl Creative

Happy Pumpkin Gift Wrap

My friend's little girls is going to be  2 tomorrow...yes, Halloween birthday!
She does not like spooky scary stuff, so what do you do as a wrap?

yes! a happy pumpkin wrap!
Sorry, I did this in a hurry , so no pictures of the "how to", but no mystery wrapping paper, dollar store gift ribbon, hand cut card stock  paper eyes and mouth and you have a happy pumpkin wrap in no time!
I must say.... it is  too cute!

I must say.... it is  too cute!

Lovely Crafty Home

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Felt Monogram Wreath-Fall/Christmas


If you remember this fall wreath I made for myself a couple of weeks ago, you will know where this new one comes from.

Well, a dear friend of mine  asked me to make one for herm with her family name of course, and it got ready!
She wanted red, as it will last until Christmas!

I must say that the rosettes I made this time are much more pretty than mine, and I happy for this too!

So lovely! And she loved it too!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special