
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A day at the beach

We live in an island off the Canadian cost,  known as the "rock"....
Well, dear friends, this was a day at the beach here in this lovely island of ours!

 Mom's relax...sit and watch
 Our beach sand haha

 She loves the water, but no swimming this day, my darling...

 They love to come near to us this time of the year...sooo majestic!
"on the rocks, please"!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun Butterfly Party

My Sofia  turned 5 (!!) and I must say she had a very cute and fun party...a butterfly one, packed with...butterflies!
It was so enjoyable preparing  this one (well, always is), mainly because this time Sofia was old enough to  help me and enjoy doing it. 
She  had 8 little friends for games, fun, craft and yummy cake and they all loved!
The day was beautiful outside which is very rare in May here in the island, so we took full advantage of this, and had loads of fun outside.
well, no more talking , let's peek into this very fun day!
Butterflies...much more inside!
Our festive hallway

My ever present tissue pom poms (love them!!) were decorated with..butterflies, of course!
Nets for a fun time ahead..keep tuned...

yes, I cut lots of them ( oops, my Cricut did)!

Helium balloons with hanging paper butterflies made the playroom look so beautiful. I had plans for these cuties, as they would be released in the backyard by the kids at the end of the party, can you imagine the fun?

As soon as they arrived the little guests went to the table to decorate the paper table cloth with beautiful drawings only a child can make!

It turned out so nice that it will stay there for a while:0)
After they finished colouring, I covered  the table with dollar store plastic table cloth and it was ready for craft time. A coffee filter butterfly. See here.

Now outside to more fun and games:
Play in the "green house"
Pin  the butterfly to the flower

Punch for prizes!
Patiently waiting....:0)
Do not worry...yes, I cut 3000 of these cuties, but I cut from pre-cut tissue paper squares chunks in a package, sold at dollarama, so handy!

This was the most fun ever! little butterfly catchers running with their nets!
Believe me, there were 3000(!!) tissue paper butterflies flying in my backyard! yes, I am NUTS, handout...2 hours of  work, 60 seconds of fun...but it was FUN! Meanwhile, hubby worried that they would fly to the neighbours house! haha cope with me, hubby! See here 
  Hooray for the little entomologists!
This one is mine!
And of course lots of free play, oh yeah!
After the games, food!
And cake!

yummy cake made by mommy, not a baker at all but it turned all good, to my surprise!

Thankful parents!
The loot bags...cute suitcases for the girls and insect boxes for the boys

Goodies and THANK YOU for coming pencil butterflies!
At the end everybody out again to release the balloons...have fun first playing with them of course!

This party was for you, my beautiful butterfly!

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