
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mummy headband


I am usually not a fan of spooky, creepy halloween decor and stuff, but this time I could not resist myself when I had this idea for Sofia to go to her ballet class next week. Well, I am the headband, a mummy headband!
I saw many of these cute creatures in the blogworld in candles, necklaces, books, pumpkins and so forth, so it was easy for me to transport it to my world, cute hair stuff!

Serious gals, it took me 5 minuets! It took me longer to make Sofia to be a good and well behaved model at the end,  LOL!

Gather this:

1. One strip of white cotton 90 " long x 1 1/2' wide. Do not cute it! Just rip it off and you will have a true "mummy" frayed edge!
2. Hot glue gun
3.  An old headband, the wider the better
4 . A pair of googly eyes

 Eyes first....
 Mummy wrap fabric
 Start at the tip


 OOOooohhh...she is "scaaaaueee"
 You are almost finish, my little mummy
 Do not look at me like this, please you cute thing..... you are a mummy after all, supposed to be wrapped !
 All nice and wrapped
 Sofia is waiting for you...
 I told her you are  nice and not  scary at all...
 she will love you...
 She did!

And SHE, my little creative diva, had THIS idea, soo proud of her!
A mummy pen!

Smiling a lot here!
Hope you are  too!

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Beneath the Rowan Tree

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Beneath the Rowan Tree

BWS tips button



  1. This looks great! Love it!


  2. I love the mummy headband! And how clever of your daughter to make a matching pen - they both look brilliant - wish I had nieces to make the headband for - I can't see my twin nephews wearing one somehow!
