
Friday, July 6, 2012

Say Cheese!

Every time my  beloved brother in law comes for a visit ( he lives away sniff sniff) we try to take a photo of the whole family.
This time we realized the last one was taken exactly 5 years ago, so we tried to repeat the was fun and we love the result and to see how we change...who me??:0)
Even little Sofia tried to "reproduce" her baby pose...toooo cuuute!

 ..on a funnier note I had the idea of taking a picture of the twins ( yes, my hubby and his bro are twins) with oder sis, like  ahem...some decades! they were a hard bunch to get this photo taken, rascals!!!

Ah... I love this family, my canadian bunch!


  1. lindos! bjs dé

  2. I didn't know Tim had a twin brother! And, here I was thinking, gosh, those two really look alike, lol!!

    Oh, on a side note, I figured out the whole BIL thing, in respect to your email (Ballet Instructor, something, something, oh brother!) Brother In Law! What cabbage patch did I recently crawl out of?! Huff!
