
Friday, August 10, 2012

Liebster Blog Award!

I love awards!
Denise, from Pine Creek Style  have just awarded my Diaries with the sweet Liebster Blog award.
The Liebster Blog award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, nominated and by fellow bloggers. 
I had already got one from my good friend and fellow blogger Sue, from House Pretty,  a while ago, but what a nice surprise to get it yet again!

I have less than 200 followers, so guess I still qualify :0)

1.Post about your WIN on your Blog.
2. Link back to the Blogger who nominated YOU;
(Vintage Street Designs) then, FOLLOW them back.
3. Copy and paste the Blog award button on your Blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 11 Blogs that have fewer than 20 followers that you think deserve to be recognized and awarded.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their Blog.
6. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
7. Answer 11 questions your tagger has asked you and ask 11 question to the people you've tagged.
8. You are not allowed to tag back to the Blogger who chose you.
Well, here we go:

Eleven random facts about me ...hope you do not find me  weird:)

1. I have a corky sense of humour
2. I love my life as a stay at home mom, despite being very career oriented before having a child
3. I come from a sunny tropical place and live up north among whales and polar bears :0)
4. I got pregnant twice after the age of 41 and fulfilled my dream to called "mom"
5. I love God and am amazed by His love and grace
6. I love thunderstorms 
7. I love short hair, and If I could would have my hair cut every day
8. My handwriting is impossible to decipher, even by myself (!)
9. I was so shy growing up that mom took me the doctor to check if anything was crooked with me
10. I still did not figure out if I am totally sane lol
11. When reading or browsing magazines I always start by the last pages
My 11 questions to answer:

1. What kind of People are attracted to Your Blog?
I guess people that love the same things I do and have pleasure in simple things!
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Close to all my family, but this is not possible, so I am happy being where I am :)3. Is blogging more of a Job or a Hobby?
A hobby, try not to take it too seriously and have lots of fun
4. What is one thing about yourself you would love to change?
To lose 20 lb, NOW!
5. If you are a Mom, how often do you enjoy alone time?
5 minutes in the morning and 41/2 minutes at night, before collapsing in bed6. If it was going to be made public, which would you tell: Your age, your weight or your income?
My age....but "IF", right?7. What personality trait bugs you the most?
People who talk talk talk about themselves argh!8. Favorite Restaurant?
Any fish & chips9. What are you best known for?
Being funny and creative
10. Finish this sentence...My Favorite networking site is...
Calling my mom by phone when I miss her...11. Pet names from strangers (sweetie, honey, etc.) Love it or Hate it?
It bugs me a bit to be honest, I am not a "sweet" person I think...
And here are my lovely nominees:
1. A Place Called Home 
2. Because Home Should be Great
3. Heart Shaped Leaves
4. Livin up
5. First home..Love Life 
6. Home, Heart and Soul
7. Tatum's Take
8. Tea with Frodo
9. Pink Flamingo
10. Always Crave Cute
11. The Quirky Crafting Shmoogle Bean ( love this name!)

Thanks again Denise!!!


  1. Congrats Andrea! You have worked very hard to get this, and you SO deserve it!!! And cool, I learned some things about you I didn't know before!

    1. Hope you did not learn anything bad:0)


  2. Congratulations on your award! Thank you for passing it on to me. I'll be checking out others on your list! Happy Day!

  3. Oh thank you for the award! I will get my post up tonight. :D

    (are we answering the same 11 questions you did?)
