
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer Wrap Up - Our Summer in Pictures

Summer is over sniff, sniff, sniff...But I must say, despite the not so wonderful weather we had here in the island, we can still say we had a great sumer. Sofia is at an age that everything is so colourful, happy and enjoyable! She takes pleasure in every little thing, and she so full of life and vibrant!
We had great moments with friends and family. Enjoyed a family reunion and nice boat ride with nana and poppy. Summer fun was never far away from us and whenever we could ( when it was not raining..) we headed outside, oh so goooood!
So let's take  aloof at our summer in pictures!
What did Sofia do?

She enjoyed  her friends company

Developed her climbing skills 

Became a budding entrepeneur and had her first lemonade stand, along with her dear friends...hey, they made some serious money!! LOL

Oh they were very good and polite with customers...

Well, they sold lots but they also enjoyed their merchandise! A lot!!

After work, straight to the ice cream shop to spend her money!! 

She enjoyed nature in all its forms...

Became a cute and ferocious pirate!

She  did not forget to show off  her soccer roots and was mommy's and daddy's soccer star!

My "Ronaldinha"!!

As always, mom just took picture upon picture of her princess...
She is modern...

She loves nature...

She can be serious...

She laughs a lot and has the most wonderful laughter and dimples!

She looks like and angel...
She visited her little brother's grave..our baby boy John Patrick, forever loved..

One day we will meet again right, my angel?

She hugged a lot...

LOVE! She had her beloved uncle  for a visit!

She squeezed patient uncle Patrick...

And was sweet!

 she kissed...

 and was kissed...a lot!

She had fun with her poppy...

She had fun with her nana...

Went swimming

Explored the backyard with her daddy...

Oh...She grew up a baby girl...

She made bubbles...

She chased bubbles...

" I can touch it, mommy!"

We traveled around our beautiful province

Well, we were silly too!

She spent wonderful days with her beautiful cousins at nana's house... Poppy's boat...

Loved being with her uncle...

Had fun with mommy...

Had fun with daddy...

And YES, this is SUMMER in NL, before someone asks! lol
She, "ahem"....baked...

She made paper airplanes

And enjoyed everything  good  that summer brings!

Learned how to ride her bike...

Enjoyed her happy life...

Practiced  her ballerina talents at home...

And showed them off on stage, first recital ever!

Our ballerina!!!

But most of all...she was herself.....funny, happy, silly ( good silly:0), creative and super active!

That was her summer...
 Hum.....I think I LOVED IT,  MOMMY!


  1. Gigia!!!
    That was nice! WOW!
    It was so wonderful to see those pics, recognize faces and places...
    Sofia, so so cute, curious, smart and thougthful!
    And hey, summer is not over, soon it will be here in Brazil, maybe you could enjoy some of it here??

  2. Déa,
    Que fotos lindas!!

    Minha sobrinha é uma benção de criança. Linda, carismática, alegre!!!
    Como ela está linda! Uma verdadeira boneca. Cachinhos dourados!!!!!!
    E que verão animado, hein?

    Adorei ela e Maria com o vestidinho igual.

    E que família linda!!!!!
    Beijos, beijos , beijos e saudades imensas!!!!!!!!
