
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hello craft world!

YES! it is official! My years of hard work payed off and I have a real crafter/artist right here in my house!!
My little Sofia made this cute birdie the other day while I was cleaning my craft room..I saw her getting lots f stuff in my boxes but did not care to ask what for or check...after 10 munites she came up with this! She says it is to make for the little birdies we think are dead (in here). She got sad about it....
No photos of the making of , sorry, little crafter  need to get to know the process..:0) 

Isn't it and she cute???

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least one of us has a daughter that is a crafter. Mine...not so much! Movies, computer games, books or puzzles, you betcha! Crafting, well, it kind of missed the boat on her.
