
Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Activity/Advent Calendar

I usually like the things I made myself, but this one I ...I  L.O.V.E!
I found this "thing" at the thrift store last week. Ugly. Five bucks. Couldn't pass. I knew right away what I would do with it.
Follow me:
Spray paint...
Some gentle sanding...Paper numbers cut in my Cricut...

looks old enough now!
Little  Christmas objects I already had, for the most part..
List of fun and cool stuff to do this season...
(inspiration from here)
..And I am in love ( even my hubby loves it!) with my activity calendar for Sofia!
we are doing it alongside my Advent Calendar that we do every year 
...decorate a ginger bread house...make  some Christmas cards ( also in love with my miniature card  :)
Listen to Christmas music all day, read the "nutcracker" together, build a snowman, go to the church Christmas program, 
..bake a cake for baby Jesus..

Other activities:
-Watch a Christmas movie and have treats
-Decorate the Christmas tree
-Snow fun with daddy
-Snow walk in the woods
-Go see the Christmas lights
-Bring donations to food bank
-Make a tree ornament
-Wrap gifts with mommy
Learn about Christmas symbols and traditions
-Go to a Christmas concert
-Make paper snowflakes
-Read the Nativity story

Read the Christmas story and remember the true meaning of Christmas...God's amazing love for us sending his son Jesus to save us!
Linking up to:


  1. That is such an inspiring craft!!
    New GFC and Pinterest follower from the Delicate Construction hop.

  2. Wow, what you managed to do with the "before"! You sure made quite an "after", you crafty thing, you!

    1. It is really pretty, Sue, and Sofia LOVES it!
