
Saturday, December 22, 2012

From our family to yours!

This Christmas:
"We praise you, O God.  A baby has been born to us; he is your only Son, the Prince of Peace, the  King of kings, our Wonderful Counselor, our Lord and Savior. With food and gifts, we celebrate his birthday; he is the greatest gift of all. Thank you for sending your Son to save us. Thank you too for the gift of eternal life. We thank you, Lord Jesus, that we don't have to search the entire world to find you, as the wise men did. We can pray to you anywhere , anytime. As the shepherds and wise men did years ago, we also bow to worship you Lord, our  Savior,  Jesus Christ. Amen.
(excerpt  from " Looking forward to the Nativity" by John Farrar)

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!
Um Feliz Natal de minha família pra sua!!

Linking up to:


  1. Nice, VERY nice! Merry Christmas, Andrea! As of now, are plan is to see you all next summer, and I can't wait!
