
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two Hawaiian Birthday Party Simple Ideas

My sweet niece wanted me to make some litle things for her Hawaiian themed birthday party. Fun!
Here they are:
A wreath using swimming noodle ( idea from Sue of House Pretty!) and dolar store paper umbrellas

 No glueing envolved!

 Hawaiian gift bag: brown bag , recycled flower from hawaiian necklace and skirt, all from dollarama, dollar each!
She loved, I can say!:)

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  1. Thanks Andrea, for the shout out! Hey, I bet your wallet is now happy with the money you are saving on wreath forms, lol! I'm sure your niece WAS very happy!

  2. So many fab ideas here - looks brilliant.

    I am hosting a Party Party at Mums Make Lists for birthday party posts, pins and pics would love for you to link up x
