
Monday, September 26, 2011

Cat in the Hat..the Hat!


Continuing with our Cat in the Hat party tutorials  we present...the Hat!:))
We couldn't find a hat ( oh well, on the end, after all this work, Shirley found smaller hats at ...the dollar store....) party mom Shirley had the idea of using two Canada day hats, genius!

I glued them with Fabri tac ( I love this glue!)

 Cut 2 red and 2 white stripes out of fleece
 Put Fabri tac to work again...

 Where is the cat??? Hat ready!
 And many, many uses during the party....

Pure fun!

"Fishy" Gift Wraps


For the birthday boys gift wraps, I decided to make them...FISH! what more "cat in a hat" than fish!
I used 2 poster boards, red and blue, free handed drew the fish, cut, put their gifts inside ( shirts!) and after some staples here and there fishes were ready to be delivered!!

 Red fish...

Blue fish... 


Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts


One more tutorial for the Cat in the Hat party !
The Things shirts!

We used red T-shirts for the pijamas and white and black felt.
Shirley wanted the numbers to be the boys ages, so out went  #1 and #2 and  in came #4 and # 6.
I cut them with scissors and traced them onto sticker  black felt. Then, I cute them and glued them ( it was sticky enough  but I still used a dab of fabric glue). I also used fabric glue, fabritac, to attach the circle to the shirts.
SORRY, dunno why didn't take photos of these steps..:0(

Cuuuuute Things!

Thing 1 and Thing 2 Hats

Shirley, my friend who hosted the party for her 2 little boys wanted the siblings  ( all 4 of them!) to be characterized and the "things" from Dr. Seuss books, So I made hats and things shirts ( to come!)
Here it goes, as promised here, the tutorial for the Things hat.

A dollar store hat

 Dollar store boa feather scarf

 Hot glue gun

 Start glueing. It is advised to cut the chord lining the feather once in a while, otherwise the hat won't expand
 Slowly glueing
 Be prepared for loads of irritating and highly  annoying wandering feathers. I had to vacuum my kitchen 4 times and I can still spot one here and there! 

But  in the end it was all worthy as they came out so darn cute!!

Cat in The Hat Bow Tie

As promised here gals, , some details from the Cat in the Hat party I helped a friend to put together.

For the Cat bow tie I used

1. A rectangular piece of red felt
3.Fabric Glue
4. Thread
5. A strip of red  felt
6. Scissors

 Fold the felt like this

 Pinch it right in the middle  and put a dab of fabric glue on each side 

 Hold for 10 seconds to let it glue well ( you can stitch too for sure)

 Take the strip, cut it to fit

Wrap around the middle and put a dab of glue

 Now attach the elastic. I used thread and needle to make it extra safe

 Ready for the little ones necks!

Cat in the Hat Party

A dear friend of mine wanted to have a Cat in the Hat Party,  and asked me to help her. She  had loads of ideas and I put some of them together , and I must say it was so fun! Even Sofia now wants a Cat in the Hat party for her next birthday!

She celebrates both of her boys birthdays together , which makes things even more fun, double fun!

She made all the food , cake and  most of the decor.
I helped her with:

1. The Hat, of course, one must have a hat, THE HAT, for this party
3. The "things" costumes, or better, shirts and blue hairs
4. A Blue frame for photos of the little cats - old frame + acrylic paint

I also made special gift wraps for the boys 
Will post the tutorials here, but first some highlights of the party, it was awesome!

The birthday boy and the "book" door, made by Shirley, what a fun idea!

 The party host, Shirley, drew the cat and the things  for the games: "put the hat on the cat" and put the number on the things"
 The yummy table

For the little guests, personalized Dr Seuss books

The gifts table. Dr Seuss books were used to decorate the mantle

 One fish...( a gift package I made for the boys)

Blue fish...another gift

The birthday boys, the cute little "things", and Sofia

 Friend love

 Mom Shirley made the cake for her boys, isn't that sooo nice!

 One cute litte "thing"

 Three cute little "things"

 My cute little thing :0)

 Obviously, the hat!

 more marshmallowy hats :0)

 jell -Os!

 Kids, put the number on the thing!

 Daddy, put the hat on the cat!

 Ready for the cake!

 Opening the gifts. First, they had fun playing with the fish!

 Leaving the party, the little guests had their picture taken as little and cute cats in the hat!!

What a fun time we had!!

BWS tips buttonSumo Sweet Stuff


Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy

Running with Glitter