Hey!! A shout out for everyone who loves to read God's word and would enjoy some food for thought!
My husband has just started blogging his daily Bible reading and sharing his reflections on God's word!
Link here or on the icon on side bar!
An excerpt:
..."We don’t accomplish much in life apart from self-discipline."
That, from pastor/author/blogger Tim Challies, who blogs at www.challies.com. (Click here for his take on the joy of self-discipline.) Discipline is key to 'much in life,' to our productivity at work, home and everything in between, whether we recognize our accomplishments as stemming from it or not. When it comes to reading our bibles, it can be easier to surf the internet, perhaps the greatest distraction of the modern age. But the reward in life from surfing the internet is hardly comparable to the way our minds and hearts are changed by reading the bible. We know that in our heads, but we default to other distractions - like the internet - so easily...." |

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