Hi Everyone!
As I mentioned in my first post here after 3 years ( wow!), it has been a long tome since I haven't blogged, and I also mentioned that I was being kept busy :) Well, apart from being a mom, wife, working and my craft markets with my little business, the best thing that has kept me a bit away from blogging and crafts in general, has been digging into God's word. The Holy Spirit has been working in me for a while now, and has giving me a never ending love for God's word and for knowing Him more and more. Despite being a Christian for more than 40 years now , I have never had such a thirst for His wordl ike these last couple of years! And knowing God means to dive in HIS word, that reveals his character, his plans , his will and his love.
Recently, I added a creative way to spend even more time in God's word, together with to reading, doing devotionals, praying and studying.
Bible Journalling!
I use an ESV leather journaling Bible and the more I use it , the more I love it.
I basically read, write, draw and paint, whichever I feel appropriate .
Things I do:
- When listening to my favorite pastors online ( I LOVE listening to styles and sermons online) I take note of the most important points and write them on my Bible. ( My main sources are John MacArthur, John Piper, Steve Lawson, David Platt, Paul Washer, RC Sproul, Augusts Nicodemus Lopes, Alistair Begg and their ministries)
- I write my Pastor's sermons main points on my Bible
- I highlight :
--------- My favourite verses
----------The most significant verses
----------Verses with an important systematic theology connecting them
----------Because I LOVE the Handel's Messiah I marked all the Libreto verses
---------- Most Important passages
- I draw and colour in the margins ( sometimes pages ) with leads, acrylic paint, watercolour you name it
- I do calligraphy lettering ( very very basic, as I don't know how to do it perfectly)
- I write verses of old hymns I love and more contemporary worship songs I also love
- When the amount of things I need to write let's say a study I watched with so much " solid food" that I want to see in my Bible, I do "tip ins" - pages that I add with glue and voila! space to write - these can be fine letter paper, vellum paper, scrapbook paper , whatever!
Here some pages. Some drawing are mine, some are inspired by Pinterest pages.
This highlight method is from Coffee and Bible Time channel, I have it glued in my front page, but actually don't use it :(
I use scrapbook tabs to tab important doctrines and theologic landmarks
Acrylic Paint ( but I still can read, I never cover the words )
Mod Podge
Tip ins
Highlighting my favourite Psalms and verses
Lettering verses on the side
Marking Dates when the books were written
I hope this blesses you and inspires you to spend more and more time digging into God's word and its never ending riches !