Sunday, October 21, 2012

"RIO" Halloween Costume

This year me and Sofia had a little fun "momstorm"( brainstorming with mommy about her Halloween costume) and when we got to the final decision we were pleased, as we knew we had made a nice choice. Very very "us". Well, I am from Rio, Sofia loves Brazil AND Rio (the place AND  the movie) so the cute little blue girl birdie Jewel turned out to be  a perfect choice.

Now, after that brainstorm I had to set out to make the thing ! and quick!
All I knew was that my blue bird would, and have wings, so I went from there.
First, I designed a pattern on paper.
I found this perfect shade of blue fabric ( cotton) at my local fabric store for  $ 2.99 the meter, yay!!
I decided to make pointy feathers out of felt. I think I used 20 + felt rectangles from the dollar store to make those...lots of them,

Afterwards, I laid them down on the cut fabric...pinned and first, I used my sewing machine, but this process was very hard to do somehow ( I AM NOT A SEWER!), with all the layers and, crazy me, I decided to stitch one by one, by hand. Took me "FOREVA", but I got the job done!
Love the tail haha
Now to the front..I bought a T-Shirt at Michael's and used the same felt feathers I had cut beforehand.

But now, I will be honest, no stitches involved. I used my very reliable and loved fabric glue.
Same "feathers" for the socks. This time, I used elastic thread to stitch them.This waythe socks did not loose the elasticity, wink wink:)
The head cover is a sensitive subject around here, as Sofia does  not want to use it :)
She only used for the photos below, oh well...
Anyways, I had this hat I bought at the thrift store last year for the viking costume I made for her, but never used it in the end.
I  used hot glue to attach the feathers (no more felt, got tired of cutting it, haha) I bought real ones at the dollar store. The perfect shade of blue, again!

and OF COURSE, the pink flower ( from thrift store) that "Jewel" uses on her lovely birdie head.
 At this point, while I write this post, I am getting to the realization of how crazy and non sense I am,  but I love it!
Birdie face: Funky plastic eye glasses form Value Village (Savers), tape and black spray paint...Sofia is SURE that I am nuts by now, giggling when she sees it. BUT,  she has a blast with my excitement !lol

I love how she embraces my craziness ! hahaha

Did I tell you that I put monster feet ( Savers/Value Village) on my princess cute feet?
And because Jewel loves Carnival, there sure will be a bling here and there!
THIS is my "Girl from Ipanema", Canadian/birdie version! 
Ready for trick or treat!


  1. You have an amazing job done, it is beautiful!!!!! You are one amazing, creative person..... Derek and Sofia are so lucky.

  2. Adorable! You totally nailed it! I love the fact that it is no sew and really love the added bling (it makes it so girly)!

    1. Thanks, Karen!
      And yes, the BLING is Sofia's favourite part of the whole costume , and it took me like 2 minutes to make :)

  3. Good Heavens, Andrea, you put an INCREDIBLE amount of work into this!!!!!
    And it turned out SO BEAUTIFULLY!!!

    1. LOL, Sue , it was a LOT of work, but pays off seeing Sofia face, she loves it, this is what matters:)

  4. Oh - em - gee Andrea - this costume is so fabulous my brain just might explode - haha!!! Thanks for linking this up to "It's a Party" linky party that I cohost with Cheri....I would love to feature your Rio costume, would you mind adding the link to my party post, add it to this post? Here is the code:
    Just shoot me an email to let me know:! Thanks! Heather @ Setting for Four


    1. Hi Heather!!
      SO excited about your comment, thank you soooo much!!

      It will be my pleasure to link up to your party as well. But I just tried to do so and the Link tool doesn't allow me, saying that the link already exists...maybe because I linked to Cheri's?
      I tried three times and did not work:0(
      Can we do this somehow?
      Please just let me know!


  5. Wow! That is amazing! You so super talented! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. Hi Andrea! Wanted to let you know you will be one of the features tomorrow. The party will open at 8am CST. So, pop on by and pick up a feature button. Can't wait to see what you bring to the party. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  7. What a cute costume! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! So glad you liked it! Be my guest and yes make one for your little girl!! :0)

  9. HI Andrea my daughter wants to be Jewel this year and I came across your blog, we are making this costume for her I really love your idea and how crafty your are. Off course we adding our own details to it but I wanted to thank you for the idea my daughter is very excited and your daughter looked very beautiful in it.

    1. You are so sweet, thank you! I am so happy you found it and your little girl will look beautiful in it! Thanks for visiting my blog and leavibg such nice comment!!

  10. Love this and THANK YOU!!!! My nephew wanted to be Blue this year and we could not find the costume. So while searching I found your blog. Thank goodness!! I had no clue how to get started. I was able to use your guide as a start up and did my touch to it. I have one question for you if you would not mind. How did you attach the cape/wings around the arms? I have a couple ideas on how to do it but my nephew is 3 and does not stop moving and though you might be able to shed some light. Again thank you so much for putting this up here.

    1. Hi, Lisa!

      SO SO HAPPY I could help you and your nephew!!
      I can not wait to see yours!
      Well, I attached a small piece of ribbon on each side , on top, and just tied it to her, and it worked and my girl is alos very active, flies like a bird all the time!LOL

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

    2. Thank you so much, Andrea

      I thought about using velcro and thought I would ask. I am almost done which is a huge accomplishment for me because I am not a sewing person. I am more on the crafty side of things with hot glue, glass projects, flowers etc. so this is a new adventure. I will post a picture if he will stand still long enough. lol :) Thanks again!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great costume I'm making 3 for our school play.

  13. This is awesome!!!! I am sure they will turn out lovely!

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