Many of you are already familiar to the newest thing on the www....
I came across it about 1 month ago when I noticed traffic coming to visit the blog from Pinterest (?!? I asked... ). Off I went to check only to ( happily) find out that some of my crafts had been pinned there...well, then I started pinning myself and can't stop it...As I said, it is called Pinterest, and it is one of the most useful and interesting ideas I have seen lately.
Simply putting it is a photo sharing site, a huge online "museum"/file where people save, or "pin", the things/images/quotes/wherever they find interesting over the web ( any any theme is allowed but selling, obscene and violent stuff, thank goodness!).
You make your own boards, how many you want, start pinning to it and you are the 'curator' of it. People can follow you or one of your boards and you can follow people/boards that you find interesting.
You can imagine it is the paradise for crafters to find/see new ideas ...apart from this it is eye candy with all those beautiful photos.
It is so easy to use and fast, so you never get bored!
At Glamour This, I found very useful info about Pinterest Etiquete ( hum..so chic!)
You can be invited or request an invitation at:My address is below , so feel free to visit my boards and repin ( yes, we can do that) my stuff!

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