Last week my was hubby away and I made good use of having the car all week long all for myself: hit the thrift stores! haha I love this...
My de-lovely findings:
Golden wood mirror. Horrible patina, lovely size, shape, details AND prize: 2.99
Barbie case, for Sofia's barbies weeny tiny clothes that I find all over the house!!!
Two frames , ugly golden patina , perfect details for glazing/antiquing!
My weak point: I love to read about the Kennedys.
Nice metal container/vase for my tropical tree in the living room...ONE DAY , maybe, who knows, I may paint it, but for now still liking the brass finish
Cute butterfly "thing" - what is this for anyways? I have big plans for it...hold Sofia's headbands and hair clips that do not fit in her other storage .
Fits the colour scheme and won't feel lonely there with the other butterflies Sofia has already on her bedroom door.
Fits the colour scheme and won't feel lonely there with the other butterflies Sofia has already on her bedroom door.
Exotic wood carved face. To honour my African roots. I like that it doesn't have a " made in china" or "walmart" tag on the back..it might be really from Africa? only 7.999, worth the risk!
This box.....I dunno what is for, but I just fell in love with ..the hardware haha ..this is me. I plan to refinish it and use it as a decoration item, for I guess it is useless? :0)
Beautiful big new tote that fits all my junk inside. I doubt it was ever used. I love the 7.99 price tag
This old navy wool coat has satin lining, I think it was never used and it has a beautiful tan colour, and I love the solar and the lines.
That is it. A very happy thrifty girl.

Wow, looks like you hit the jackpot! I guess, my advantage is I have use of tghe car all the time, since my better half has the company truck. Now, if only Amanda's "schedule" would slow down some, I could get to more places. But then, I would spend more money, hmmm...have to think that one over...