This was an old frame I had at home, too big and bulky, never used. I love the details on it tough. Perfect for antiquing with one of my favourite methods, glazing.
After two coats of red Krylon spray paint
Now into the glazing: I used black craft paint, liquitex glazing medium, a foam brush and a damp rag
The proportions are kind of trial and error, but in the end I think I used half/half.
I do little portions at a time. Wait a bit and remove the excess of paint with the rag.
Because the bak of the frame backing was smoother than the rugged front, I flipped it over and spray painted it with chalkboard spray paint, according to the manufacturer's instructions. ( 2 coats, wait 24 hours to day, prime it)
Before usingI patiently waited 24 hours to start using it. Before using, I primed it with the chalk like below
Wiped it clean and it was ready!
Love it!

Cute! I'm thinking of doing one of those myself!!